Internal Medicine Specialist

Thomas J. Purgason, MD, FACP, PA

Internal Medicine located in Arlington, TX

Internal Medicine is the compass of the healthcare system and experienced internal medicine physicians like Thomas J. Purgason, MD, FACP, PA, give guidance and support and remain at the center of the interconnected medical network. Dr. Purgason develops lifelong relationships and works with his dedicated staff members to provide quality services, testing, and treatments in his private practice in Arlington, Texas. Call the office to book an appointment.

Internal Medicine Q & A

What is Internal Medicine?

Internal Medicine is a medical specialty that involves an array of conditions affecting the internal body organs. This typically includes the lungs, liver, heart, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, sinuses, throat, brain, spinal column, kidneys, muscles, joints, and nerves. Most chronic conditions and diseases affect more than one body organ or system.

Internal Medicine physicians are also called Internists or Diagnosticians and they usually help treat and manage conditions that affect adults, such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and arthritis. These conditions usually become more severe and common with aging. An internist is a general health care provider that can diagnose and treat back pain, abdominal pain, chest pain, and a variety of other common conditions such as infections and wellness.

Internal Medicine can involve care during or after hospitalization. Most Internal Medicine physicians also educate patients on the best ways to prevent disease and live a healthier lifestyle.

Internal Medicine can incorporate substance abuse, women’s health, men’s health, mental health, and the treatment of common problems relating to the eyes, ears, skin, nervous system, and reproductive organs.

For many years, Internal Medicine doctors serve patients in an outpatient setting that allows for lifelong, strong patient relationships. Dr. Purgason gets to know every individual and provides a convenient and comfortable office environment for you to receive quality individualized care. Call the office today to schedule your appointment.